Hi Slimboyfay. Excellent suggestion that you make:
I would really appreciate knowing the exact sources and dates of the videos that are included
I put this together as more of a comedic take on the White Elephant building in Chelmsford. Quick answer: the elderly branch committee members were all drafted in to make those videos before the crisis scale-back happened; so they were aware of the financially precarious venture from the get go. Stephen Lett = May 2015 broadcast. Anthony Morris = 2017 Annual Meeting. The other content is from the LEAKED "BRD Department" meeting that I uploaded today; I wanted to Cut & Paste something from an otherwise very long and boring video, so I make this; the BRD (Branch Relocation Department) meeting was January 2018, well after the crisis scale-back.
I think I need to also put together a "serious" version of these videos, aligned chronologically, and with a serious narrative. You have inspired me....